Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Anonymous (or bitching 101)

Hoy, biased ka! Fuck you! Who do you think you are!

These are but some of the comments I got recently. At first I was shocked, then I was amused that I pissed someone off with my blog. And let's not even start discussing some of the messages in the chatbox.

So, my initial reaction? Change the blog setting which explains why this blog cannot be accessed for the past few days. But then, a good number of friends texted and emailed me, and then it occurred to me there are more Calbayognons who want nothing but some updates from the only home we have got.

So let us make things clear. Just a reminder, especially for those who recently discovered this blog, as my blog header say it: THIS IS A PERSONAL BLOG. If it's news about the LGU that you want, check my Calbayog City blog, the header of which says: Welcome to the temporary home of the LGU News section of the Calbayog website. If I may repeat what I stated in my earlier rant, that blog came to be because the website broke down.

I can never claim that my blog is the best there is, it's crude, it's simplistic, boring (that's how some rated my blogposts). On the other hand, I am thankful and inspired by the emails and text messages appreciating that one way or the other they (Calbayogonons out of Calbayog) are able to connect to their home.

I guess removing the chatbox and the comments section would be a better solution. If only to do away with those anonymous blog "viewers". Yup I also call anonymous those who use bogus names in giving comments. AND, to change my blog title so as to once again emphasize that THIS IS A PERSONAL BLOG.

Talking about the anonymous. I would like to borrow what a fellow blogger had to those nasty beings out there:

"While blogging and writing can receive both good and bad comments, reactions like these only show how immature the responses of some readers are."

"Of course I do not expect good reviews. The blog is opinionated and every reader in entitled to his or her own opinion, much in the same way that the blogging is opinion-based as well. But that is what writing is all about. It expresses that freedom which many of us dish out so freely, because it is what it is. And you can counter argue that the comment left by the reader is his/her opinion as well."

"I will not argue with whoever commented in the above manner. However, anyone who curses and uses such vile language and writes down his pseudonym as Anonymous is humor to me. They actually have no balls nor brain to make a constructive criticism as well. But thank you Anonymous for visiting my blogsite. And to give you credit, I have dedicated one blog article just for you. Imagine that! You should be proud I even took the time to give you space when no space is needed for ghosts like you."

"People like 'Anonymous' should and will remain as such. They have no contribution to society, except to stay as anonymous. Their opinions don't matter. And anonymity is tantamount to non-existence in this world."

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