Sunday, March 02, 2008

all in a day's work (?)

I was all over the place today. Thanks to the brightly shining sun, while waiting for passengers some pedicab drivers took time to relax under the shade brought about - not by a tree - but by the Mercury Drug building. At night time, at the same place, it's still PD cab drivers waiting for passengers. Well, we're talking about sunny or dry weather here. It's a different thing when the rains come in. And just in case you'd be interested, recently the City Mayor issued an Executive Order which stated, among other concerns that only 2,000 units of PD cabs (or tricycle as we locales call it) will be permitted to ply in the city. Now you have an idea how many PD cab units we have in the city, and that's considering only the registrado nga PD cabs.

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