Friday, November 25, 2011

A message for Educators and Christie Regians

Last October 28, 2011, during the celebration of the the 25th Anniversary of the Spirit of Assisi at Christ the King College, Mr. Pio Santos and his wife Francie were given the Bahandi Samarnon Award as Outstanding Educators. Mr. Santos delivered an acceptance speech which paid tribute to the teachers and personnel of Christ the King College. He reminded everyone the first and foremost teaching is a vocation. He also paid tribute to Christ the King College and how it helped mold many generations of Calbayognons.

Here's the text of that speech:

... honored guests, members of the faculty and other school personnel, ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

We will be the biggest liars on this globe if we will dare say that we have not been deeply touched or emotionally overwhelmed by the wonderful gesture bestowed on us by the Christ the King College community.

Never, even in our wildest dreams, did we ever expect that we will be accorded such a distinct and signal honor as what we are receiving today. For the two of us and for the members of our family, this is a momentous day. It is a day to be treasured and remembered by all of us until the last breath of our lives.

This evening's event is supposed to be a recognition of what we have done or what we have contributed in making CKC into the fine institution of learning that it is today. And CKC believes that it is payback time. We are however, of firm belief that while it might be true that we have done something for the growth and development of CKC, we cannot also ignore the fact that we were not alone in the task of educating the young; that the teachers and the other school personnel have also contributed immensely in transforming CKC into an excellent academic institution. It is not a one-man job, it is a team effort. If nothing can be done without God, then nothing can also be achieved without the cooperation of the teachers and the other school personnel.

Thus what makes this evening's affair so meaningful and doubly significant is the fact that the accolade bestowed on the two of us by CKC silently includes also the members of the faculty and the other school personnel. While the plaques that are given to us are personal in nature and the citations written on them are meant for us, behind those inscriptions are also etched the recognition by this institution of the work and cooperation of the teachers and personnel; it is a recognition of the collective pleasures, the triumphs, the joys and the little disappointments that we, the teachers and personnel, have all shared together. These plaques symbolize our collective friendship, camaraderie and companionship. These plaques and citations are not only meant for the two of us - these are intended for all of us - for our shared victories and defeats, for our laughter and tears.

And so for all these shared experiences - 

  • we thank you Lord, for the moment that gave all of us the opportunity to be in CKC and to work with the students as they embark on their journey of life; on their journey of faith and on their quest for knowledge, their search for truth, justice and peace.
  • we thank you Lord, for giving all of us the chance to be in the place where many young people experience their first real contact with the Church; their first entry in a Catholic school that teaches them to try  to live more by faith, hope and love than by value of consumer society.
  • we thank you Lord for CKC and the chance to learn that teaching is more than a job; that it is more than a means of putting food on the table; that permanent employment and a good pay are not the only motivation for becoming a teacher.
  • we thank you Lord for CKC - for exhorting us that teaching is not just a profession, but a vocation. It is a ministry, a calling from God.
Finally, on a personal note, may I, on behalf of Francie and all the members of the family, extend to the CKC community - to Rev. Fr. Marcelo Tubac, OFM, President of the College, to the religious and lay administrators, to the members of the faculty, to the rank and file personnel and the students and parents, my heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude.

We trust that everyone of you will find us worthy and deserving again of your trust and confidence.

Thank you, good night, god bless all of us. Mabuhay Christ the King College!


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