Sunday, April 17, 2011

more images from Palm Sunday

Here are some more pictures which I managed to take this morning, in time for 8:00 am Sunday Mass.

"Lukay" served as decoration for the retablo. Shown here is a small part of it with the images of the Nuestra Señora de la Natividad, St. Joseph and St. Dominic. In front of these images is the tabernacle which many years ago was seen only during Holy Week to serve as the "monumento" (as local tradition would call it) for veneration during Holy Thursday and the morning of Good Friday.

The faithful as they came out of the cathedral after the 6:00 am mass. As with the previous Palm Saundays, the said mass ended at past 7:30 am.

A member of a cofradia passes by a boy watching over his wares consist of what else, but palm branches.

It's bonding moments for this father and daughter team as they prepare some more branches to be sold to the mass goers.


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